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Welcome! This Web site is divided into three main sections. You can get toeach section by using the blue and yellow "navigation bars" below.

The RTMA / RVC Apprenticeship Alliance

The first section is comprised of information detailing the specifics of the Rockford Tooling & MachiningAssociation / Rock Valley College "Apprenticeship Alliance".  It is through this alliance that the localRockford, and northern Illinois, Precision Machinist and Tool & Die Machinist Apprenticeshipsare supervised and administered.

My RTMA / RVC Precision Machinist Apprenticeship Journey

The second section of this Web site comes from more of a personal angle. Having graduated with a prettydecent standing in the class, from the RTMA Precision Machinist Apprenticeship in June 1998, I thought Imight be able to offer some pointers and shed some light on the process.

My FLASH 4 "CNC Lathe" Animated Movie

The third section is the composite result of taking fours years of my life working in the PrecisionMachinist Trade, and mixing it together with my current studies in the areas of Web Design and Computer InformationSciences at (where else) Rock Valley College. Section three is my first major attempt at producing a"4th Generation" Web Design.  It is a FLASH 4 Movie entitled, "CNC Lathe".                (Turn Your Sound On)

What Y2K Bug?