Thea Liangzai
(Wen Wei)
Chinese Translation: "Fine existence"
Born: Born: July 11, 1996
Gotcha Day: April 17, 1998
Partents: Ingun and Arvid
Brother: Atle
Agency: Children of the World
Thea's Favorite Foods, Toys &
Activities: Thea likes to eat chicken, rice, fried vegetables and fruit. Her
favorite toy is a China doll she calls "Baby Jang". She loves being
together with other children.
Note: Click
on any of the photos
below to see a full sized version.

"Gotcha Day!"
This photo of Thea's mother Ingun,
Dr. Zhang of the Chenzhou Children's
Welfare Center, and Thea, was taken on
"Gotcha Day" in Changsha.

"Thea Eating All By Herself!"
Here Ingun, Thea, and Ingun's friend Forunn,
enjoy a meal of Peking Duck. Thea would
eat and eat and eat... everything but rice!

"A Happy Girl!"
This photo of Thea was taken the day
before she left for her new home in Norway.

"Playing With Cups and Water"
Taken in May 1998, just one month after arriving
at her new home in Norway, here Thea is playing
with tea cups and water for the first time.

"My Big Brother: Atle"
Sitting in a wishbone shaped tree outside a
museum in Norway, Theas poses with her big
brother Atle, age 7, in the summer of 1998.

"Playing In The Sand"
Thea playing in the sand in August of 1999.

"Happy 3rd Birthday Thea!"
All dressed up in a yellow, Thea celebrated
her third birthday on July 11, 1999.

"Christmas 1999"
All dressed up for Christmas, Thea and
Atle enjoy a traditional Christmas meal.
