Tenley RuiXue
Translated from Chinese: (RuiXue)
Lucky Snow
Born: November 18, 1996
Gotcha Day ("The day you came into our family") October 28,
Parents: Hank and Stacie
Brothers: Thrasher (9) and Granite (1)
Sister: Callahan (7)
Adoption Agency: Holt International
Childrens Services
Adoption Travel Group's Name: "Hunan 5"

This is Tenley's referral photo, probably taken in November of 1996.

"Gotcha Day"
This photo was taken on October 28, 1997, in Changsha,
China, on "Gotcha Day". Top Row: (L-R) Hank, Tenley,
Orphanage worker that wrote a goodbye message.
Bottom Row: (L-R) Dr. Zhang, Callahan, Stacie, Thrasher.

"May 1999"
(Clockwise from Top)
Thrasher, Tenley, Granite and Callahan

Our 1999 Christmas Card Photo
(From left to right)
Callahan, Tenley, Thrasher and Granite

Tenley RuiXue