Favorite Activities: Gless likes reading books, listening to
music, and playing with her dogs and cats at home.
*Click on the photos below for a
full-sized view.

Gless Ai'Ling's Referral Photo

This photo of Gless was taken in her hotel room at the
Good Sun Hotel in Changsha, Hunan Province, China.
(March 1999)

Here's Gless at the White Swan Hotel in Guangzhou.
(March 1999)

Taken at home in her own back yard,
here's Gless at 15 months of age. (May 1999)

Here's Mom, Eileen, holding her little angel Gless in July 1999.

Taken in July 1999, 17 month old Gless smiles for the camera.
*Click on the photos above for a
full-sized view.
Gless Ai'Ling: A Chenzhou Baby
This story is not unlike many others told about adopting a Chinese child. But in
some respects it is very different. The purpose of this writing is to introduce Gless to
the world and to help older, single adults make the best decision of their lives. If
you are still interested in reading this story, please continue.
I begin this story about three years ago. A friend of mine adopted a little Chinese
girl. When I met her I fell in love. What a darling child. I didn't
realize that a single woman could adopt. I gave this matter great thought. But
as time passed, the thought of adopting came and went and came and went. During this
time the clock was ticking, faster and faster. I decided I needed to get moving if I
was to do this at all.
One day I just sat down and filled out the application to Children's Home Society of
Minnesota. I was accepted and now the real work began. The usual process of
home study, fingerprints, physical exam etc. etc. You know the great paper chase.
As the paperwork began, my excitement increased. I knew that I was getting just one
small step closer to the day when I had my child in my arms. Not being a very brave
or daring person, I asked my sister Amy to accompany me on my journey to China. She
agreed and we began to gather the things we would need to travel. This is not a
small task as you can imagine. This took up some spare time while we waited for the
I was to have received my referral in December '98. Well as luck would have it, the
referrals got lost. Not once, but twice coming from China. Our travel group was made
up of 9 sets of parents. I can only imagine the feelings that everyone was having
when those referrals didn't show up until the second week of January '99. When I
finally received that packet I didn't know what to do. I opened it and sat at the
kitchen table staring at the picture of Gless for the longest time. I called
all my friends and family and shared the good news that Gless was very real and I could
see what she looked like at long last. You see I made Gless a part of my life right
from the start. I gave her her name and talked about her like she was already
here. I believe that this also made the wait easier because I knew she was going to
a part of my family soon.
After the referral arrived the packing began in earnest. Then, the day arrived.
We departed St. Louis on March 19th and arrived in Guangzhou on the 21st. From
there we traveled to Changsha. The evening we arrived in Changsha two babies from a
different orphanage met their parents at the Grand Sun Hotel where we were staying.
Both of these babies had been in foster care. How exciting it was to witness this
union. The next morning we all traveled to the Farewell House in Changsha to get our
babies. In the smallest of rooms were seven babies, nannies and seven sets of
parents. Our interpreter called out our babies names and one by one we went forward
to hold our child. Nothing can prepare you for the moment you hold your child for
the first time. You have had plenty of time to think about how you will feel but believe
me no one can tell you of the wonderment and joy when it finally happens to you.
When Gless was placed in my arms nothing else existed for me. She was tiny, pale and
very quiet. She looked around and seemed inquisitive. She didn't cry or even
make a sound. Other babies were crying and showing that they were not sure about all
of this. Gless also had very rapid eye movement. This immediately sent up red
flags for me. But it was too late, I already loved this child.
After we did some paperwork, we returned to the hotel to get acquainted with our babies.
I discovered that at 13 months, Gless could not roll over. She could sit up, if
placed in this position. She didn't make any noise but seemed content to be
with me. I was very concerned about her eyes. This was a nagging problem and
caused me great unrest. We spent the rest of the day playing and getting to know
everyone in our travel group and their babies. Our room became the play room and
many times moms and babies visited and played. Food in Changsha left a lot to be
desired. I'm really glad that my sister brought Peanut Butter and Jelly and crackers
and cheese. We lived on this the whole time we were in Changsha. Gless drank
milk and enjoyed some food from the table as she had eight teeth already. We were in
Changsha for seven days, a very long time. We did do some sightseeing and bought
some items to take home. The weather was in the 40's and of course I didn't bring
clothes for it. The people in the hotel were nice and friendly. The Chinese
people who lived and worked around the Grand Sun were very curious about us. We
walked around the area and they looked and looked but no one bothered us.
After all the paperwork was completed here we traveled to Guangzhou. We stayed at
the White Swan. This was much nicer because the weather was warm and we actually saw the
sun after seven days. There is also a park near the hotel and many shops to visit.
We purchased many nice things for people at home and for Gless when she grows up.
The three days here were fun and the food was a bit better. By this time we
all knew one another pretty well. It was an experience I'll never forget. We
completed more paperwork and had the physical exam on the babies and kept our interview at
the Consulate. Just a word of advise, the interview is simple. Don't worry,
it's easy. Now it is time to depart from China. In many ways, I miss the
experience of the people, their country, but Dorothy said it best, "There's no place
like home." We left Guangzhou headed for Los Angeles. Gless slept 13 of
the 15 hour flight. What a great kid! Only on word describes the trip from China to
the USA---LONG!!! In LA we took the early morning flight to St. Louis, Mo. We
were greeted by friends and family. They had to see Gless in the flesh.
Everyone was excited. For the first time, they knew I was a real mom.
They all ooohed and ahhhhd over her. We were exhausted. What a trip. But
we made it and were happy to be home. The real reason for this story........Your age
doesn't matter. You will always have enough love in your heart to take care of a
child, if that is really what you want to do. This baby will love you no matter
what. I always thought that I knew what unconditional love was but I was
wrong. Not until I held this child did I truly understand the meaning of the
There are children out there who need people to love and care for them, no matter your
age. Don't wait, get started, fill your life with happiness and wonderment.
This is the best thing I have ever done. Gless has made my life complete.
Gless's eyes--I have taken Gless to Children's Hospital in St. Louis and the doctor there
believes that she contracted Toxoplasmosis from the mother. This can be gotten from
eating raw meat or from cat feces. Gless has vision between 20/60 and 20/100 in both
eyes and some blind spots on each eye. The doctor will have a better idea of the
exact vision when she can tell us how she sees. He feels that she will have some
problems in school with reading things. You would never know that she has a problem
at this time. She is a happy, smiley little girl who has people stopping and talking
to her all of the time. People always tell me that she is beautiful. She is
inside and out. She loves to have books read to her, play with puzzles and listen to
musical toys and games. She has truly enriched the lives of everyone around her.
She has changed my life and the lives of all who meet her. She is a gift.
You can get a gift to fill your life too!