Emily Jean QiuXia
Name Translation: (Qiu) Autumn
(Xia) Rosy clouds at dawn or sunset
Born: March 20, 1996
Joined her Forever Family: July 27, 1997
"Forever Day" July 28, 1997
Parents: Jim and Mary Lynn

"Emily's Referral Photo"

"Here Comes Emily!"
This is a photo of the orphanage workers exiting the elevator at the Hua
Tian Hotel, in Changsha, bringing the girls to meet their forever families for the very
first time!

"1st Anniversary Reunion"
Emily Jean QiuXia in the red and white dress,
(front right), with her friends from the city of Chenzhou on the first anniversary of
their adoption,
in July 1998. These girls were adopted through SunnyRidge Family Services in
Wheaton, Illinois, July 27, 1997.

May of 1999