Claire Ling
(Chang Ling)
Chinese Translation: (Chang) often, common (Ling) elegant, clever
Born: April 26, 1998
Adoption Day: March 22, 1999
Adoption Agency: Children's Home Society of Minnesota
Parent: Melissa

"Referral Picture"
This color referral picture was received by me on 1-20-99, after the
referral packets for my group were lost (twice!!) in the mail from China to the US.
It was the worst two weeks of waiting in my life. I received a grainy fax copy of
the photo on 1-17-99 and cried over how beautiful she was.

"First Day"
This picture was taken by my father on 3-22-99 at the Civil Affairs government
office in Changsha, minutes after I had first gotten to hold Claire Ling. She was so
perfect. The scene itself was both chaotic and joyful, since we had interpreters,
orphanage workers, babies, and nine families in a very small room. Claire was
content to let me hold her (no crying), and began to show some real smiles once we arrived
back at the hotel that afternoon.

"Happy Baby"
This picture was taken on 4-2-99, Claire's first day in her new home in the US.
I was still recuperating from jet lag, but she was curious and friendly in
exploring her new environment and greeting our visitors.
Email sent back home on 3-26-99
From the Grand Sun City Hotel in Changsha
Greetings to all of you! I am so thrilled to give you some news about my new
daughter Claire. She has stolen my heart in every way. She is beautiful and charming and
smart. I cant believe the new things she is learning every day. I received her on
Monday [3-22-99]. We (9 families) went to a government office building where we were met
by workers from the orphanage and the babies. The babies and caregivers had traveled all
night the previous evening to arrive in Changsha, the capital city of Hunan Province. I
got to hold her right away. She was alert and interested in me and my father and a toy we
brought. She didnt cry. She still doesnt have much hair, if you remember my
referral picture. I got to talk with her caregiver. I could tell that the caregivers were
attached to her and would miss her. Claire had a big smile whenever the spoke to her. We
stayed in the office for about an hour and then went to a notary office to sign paperwork.
Then the official process here in the province was about completed.
When we got her back to the hotel, we got her changed. She was wrapped in three
layers-I understand that the orphanages usually dont have heat [like many
buildings in China]. She initially had some difficulty turning over, but she rolls all the
time now. She appears to be very healthy overall. She weighs 19 pounds and looks a bit
chubby. She is very verbal and babbles and coos all the time. She has already become
attached to me. She cries a little when I leave the room. When she arrived, she did have a
cough, and it appears that she does have a respiratory infection. Another family had some
antibiotic that I have given her. It is hard to find western trained doctors here. It is a
struggle to help her get enough rest and enough fluids. She starts to cough when she lays
down, and that keeps her awake. So, Im not getting a lot of rest, either. I am
anxious to get her home so she can finish getting healthy.
On Sunday [3-28-99], we move on to Guangzhou to complete the paperwork process
for the US Consulate and Immigration. We are staying at the White Swan Hotel, which is
supposed to be very nice. (I am very pleased with the hotel here in Changsha, too.
Its hard to believe that you cant drink the water here when the accomodations
are so beautiful.) I think Guangzhou will be a good diversion for us. I have been
reluctant to take Claire out since it has been cool and rainy here. And there are no shops
within walking distance, so we have mostly stayed around the hotel. In Guangzhou, there is
a lot to do within walking distance of the hotel, and hopefully she will be feeling
better, too. It should also be warmer there.
Thanks for all of your thoughts and prayers. It has been a good support to me in
my sleep-deprived state!